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N.V. Energy Companies Suriname - EBS

Paying your energy bill can now be even easier and worry-free! At Mindri you can quickly and easily manage your E.B.S. at your time and from the comfort of your familiar environment. pay electricity bill or bills. Whether it concerns business or normal bills, you can rest assured that they will always be paid on time.

What do you have to do?

You go to, click on services and choose N.V. Energie Bedrijven Suriname. You fill in your details and register once. We will present you with your invoice and you decide how you want to pay it!

Processing takes place within 24 hours and collection cases are handled immediately. So prevent unwanted disruptions to your personal or business activities and use this easy and fast service.


Bedankt voor het registreren van uw EBS aansluiting bij ons. Ons team van deskundige adviseurs neemt binnenkort contact met u op om te bespreken hoe wij u kunnen helpen uw doelen te bereiken en eventuele obstakels te overwinnen.

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